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Report from Universal Peace UPC Conference 23 – 25th April 2021

The 21st Universal Peace Centre UPC Conference was held this year online and welcomed a large audience which were enthusiastic to hear all the inspiring speakers invited. Sometimes there were over 100 people attending at the same time. With the grace of Mahavatar Babaji and Umasankar Sunyogi, the event gathered great souls under the blessing of Yogiraj Amarjyoti and the wisdom of D.R Kaarthikeyan. 

Universal Peace Centre (UPC) is an organization in which we can get together and learn with the aim of uniting all people, no matter their background, into universal brotherhood and universal peace. The concepts emphasized by UPC show people how they can live a harmonious peaceful life. The Universal Peace Conference is a conscious step forward towards the same purpose. In this year, Sunyoga family and friends, from all over the world- including the countries India, Malaysia, USA, Sweden, Poland, Italy, Norway, Croatia, Germany, Austria, France, Vietnam, UK, and Switzerland- shared traditional and modern knowledge, and revealed their uplifting experiences, their comprehension, realisations and actualizations, with a direct and palpable result in collective spiritual growth, healing, caring and love.

Similarly to the aim of Sunyogi Umasankar, all speakers came to serve humanity with notable humility to help and develop spiritual awareness among all of us to build a better future. As the conference progressed, we could feel the bright future was already in our hands. Everyone contributed with their presence, attentively and consciously watching and listening. We have a bright future ahead of us with simple self-sustainable solutions, in different domains, that were mentioned at UPC Conference during three wonderful days. The topics discussed were: technology, yoga, economy, entrepreneurship, leadership, human rights, consciousness for global peace, science and spiritual life, defence and world peace, religion and culture, and the human impact on Mother Earth. On the last day, we also had an uplifting debate between several people, presenting diverse viewpoints on how we can achieve peace. With stimulated intellectual discussion on one side, there was also a cultural program going on with chanting, dancing, celebrations etc. The amalgamation of intellect, art and joy made the session blissful to attendees and received huge applause.

All talks are now available on Sunyogi UmaSankar YouTube channel (see the UPC Conference playlist)  How can we manage ourself, our peace of mind to for contribute to the peace in the world, choosing and creating our path each moment.

Thanks to technology, volunteers from the worldwide Sunyoga community that helped us organise the successful UPC Conference, in spite of the current situation. The outer technology is a small glimpse of who we are. Instead of developing our own technologies, intuition, telepathy,.. we rely on external devices and on external guidance. With awareness and love, we would be able to develop our inner technologies that all living beings are gifted with by birth. 

The very important topic of Defense and World Peace through Spirituality was a great moment at the Conference, to understand Universal Peace, the greatest challenge of our time.

We can utilize our Divine power selflessly for the collective or devilish powers selfishly for the individual. There is an important choice between the two, the first, sharing, contributing for ourselves, for society and for betterment of humanity, expanding or the second one contracting, only taking benefit and grabbing from the Cosmos. The Purpose of creation by Cosmic Consciousness should be remembered. 

A gathering of people sitting on the floor, sharing a moment of music with a guitar in their midst.
A screenshot of a video call featuring two individuals engaged in conversation on their respective screens.
An image displaying a video call interface with three participants communicating with each other.

Sunyogi Umasankar told us the balance of intellect and emotions is necessary for Peace, balance which is possible in thoughtless conditions and through the Anahata Chakra. We should neither think only from the intellect, nor feel only from the emotions, but from a balance of them. All emotions are required (fear, hatred, sexuality, anger, greed, narrow-mindedness, jalousy) to sustain our life, but they have limitations. If we can balance emotions and intellect through our heart, that is the solution for our protection, for our own individual defense, as well as for countries’ military defense. If instead due to negative emotions of fear, we apply 100 times more military than needed, that excess of protection will become our external enemy.

Similarly, we have our natural defense in our body, our immune system, WBC – White Blood Cell -, the internal military. But also if we have excess of it, it contributes to infection, disease or cancer. Emotions are like our military, and can become our enemy too. The intellect is also limited. If we balance both of them, we will have happiness and  peace, and reach Self Realization. We will find out the answer to: “Who I am? ” and “What is the purpose of my life?” When we connect deep, through our feelings, inside, to our soul, Anahata starts to awaken and open. Emotions balanced, we will assure our defense, protecting ourselves, Family, Society, Nation, Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Mother Universe. 

If we choose to feel our enemy is our friend, from our inner heart and invite them, make friendship from the heart, then the situation changes completely. This is necessary for self-defense, nobody other than ourself can protect us. Self confidence and Self realisation are necessary steps to a sustainable peaceful blissful life. We were introduced while at the UPC Conference to the idea that in the next few years we have to be prepared as inimaginable bliss and happiness is likely to follow.

Special thanks to main organisers Ula Libal (Poland), Axel Johansson (Sweden) and Jonathan Charpentier (USA). We are very proud of all them, of all speakers and all of the audience.

Gratitude and Respect to Sunyogi Umasankar for his wonderful contribution to Humanity, which we may not even totally understand the significance of yet.

 “Pure love has the potential of changing impossible to possible”.   Aum Anand aum!

The individual self is the smallest unit of the Universe under our control, so Individual Peace is the first step towards Universal Peace and that should be our first focus. Next unit we come to is the family which will be second in focus. After that comes our local community or village that will be the next step of focus. If we patiently follow this model, we will have the key to create peace in the whole universe